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Torna “In Altre Parole”, tra gli ospiti Mario Calabresi e Ritanna Armeni

Leggiamo su un prestigioso quotidiano italiano che gli ospiti saranno seduti sugli iconici sgabelli. Per noi sono sempre state poltroncine (anche eleganti). Boh.... [....]
HomeNotizieUS says sanctions will continue, Biden ordered, until Putin ends "aggression"

US says sanctions will continue, Biden ordered, until Putin ends “aggression”

by John Dee

President Biden stopped import of vodka and diamonds from Russia to US and in the meantime United States and its allies will not “lose focus” on the Ukraine crisis, according to the US State Department.

The US State Department spokesman Ned Price alleged that there will be “no relief from sanctions or other costs we have and will continue to impose on Russia until President Putin reverses course and relents and his brutal aggression”. In the late afternoon, according to Al Jazeera, Ukraine urged Belarus to stay out of war warning that Ukraine will fight back if Belarusian soldiers join the Russian invasion.


(11th march, 2022)

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